The first days

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm currently sitting in the Kenya airport waiting to board my final flight of this lengthy trip. I've been traveling well over 24 hours now and I honestly cannot wait to get to kigali! I haven't even reached my final destination and I can already say that I've learned two very important lessons. 1. Paris should not be visited alone. 2. My character sinks when I'm in highly stressful foreign situations... I'm working on it. This was my first time over seas and I was traveling alone with no cell phone and  a 15 minute time limit of free wifi which was the only way to contact anyone. I desperately needed to contact a few people once arriving in Paris to let them know that  I had missed my flight to Amsterdam due to my previous flight being delayed. This issue had now changed the whole course of my trip including the airline, the connection country, and my final arrival time. So maybe it was all of that which lead to my minor breakdown or maybe it was the 2 hours of sleep I had gotten in the last 24 hours. Which ever it was I decided to gather my self just enough to make the 1.5 mile long trek to my new gate. I was beyond lost on how to get all of my new flight information to the right people and pretty nervous that I wouldn't be picked up at the airport once arriving to Rwanda As a sat on a bench in the Paris airport very much alone and waiting for my new flight I had a moment to remembered that we have choices in this life, and that choices are important. I can choose to be upset at my situation, scared and angered at the fact that this wasn't the plan or I can choose to quit crying, realize it is what it is and look at it as a new adventure.  So of course I took the latter. And so here was another reminder that Gods plan is better, and he sometimes has a funny way of doing things. Sometimes we make plans to do things, good plans too. And yet when they don't work out as planned we can choose to get worked up  and even scared or we can choose to look at it as a new adventure. God says trust me I've got you. He wants us to enjoy the journey along the way.

The day started with orientation and eventually we all went into town to buys cell phones and a sketchy Internet USB. Currently we are all staying in a big guest house that almost resembles the dorm/ motel feel but we will be moving in with our host families on Friday. I am still getting use to this place and trying to take it all in. It's lovely and the weather has been amazing so far. I haven't been anywhere where there is air conditioning but it's really not needed; it can get hot at times but it's actually quite nice! Wifi is hard to come by so contact has been difficult but it will most definitely get better.  Haley and I decided to go on a walk before dinner while the remainder of the group hung back to nap and relax. Each house is gated and guarded by at least one guard, so there is a sense of safety. School had just gotten out and there were little munchkins in uniforms playing in the street. Just a few yards down from where we are staying is a huge structure where families collect their water and so of course that is exactly where I ended up. A few little ones where there and ran to us as soon as we waved. We each spoke slow and were impressed by some of their English;  though there was a language barrier it didn't matter much. Eventually there was a group of 10 boys and girls around us patting our hair, touching our skin, and holding our hand. These children are so beautiful and their heart are full of so much joy.

Freedom and Faithfulness

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed
                                                                    John 8:36

God's promises set us free

I've gotten it a handful of times in the past couple of weeks-"Are you nervous about leaving?" For a little while there I wasn't too sure about how to answer that question because, well, for most of us there is always a little bit of fear in the unknown. However, I've heard and believe that living life to the fullest means living beyond the fear of the unknown. Lucky for us my man Jesus, the Son of God, does not want us to live a fearful life.  Not only does He Love us with out measure but He also chooses us meaning that through Him we no longer have to live in fear and instead can live in freedom. I am sure of this because God has promised it.  Over the past couple of years I've found that God is faithful and He keeps his promises, even on the days when I humanly forget how good He truly is. But just because I forget at times doesn't mean that it isn't there, His goodness is always there. God is faithful because I am reminded that His promises have been kept all through out my life. He continues to leave reminders scattered throughout our daily lives whether it be in nature, music, new opportunities, sweet friendships, or good conversations. He's there we just need to have eyes that will see. 

Joshua 23 paints an excellent picture of God and his faithfulness. 
"...You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed." Joshua 23:14
Man, what truth; what a promise! One that I continue see over and over again through out my life and the lives around me. How many times can I look back in my life and point back to Gods faithfulness then, and then, and then. 

I must admit when I found out that I was going to africa I was overcome with an eye-opening realization. It's not a feeling that can easily be put into words but It was as though everything that I had ever gone through in life, any crappy situation or obstacles that I had to overcome was preparing  me and ultimately leading me to this moment, the step of faith of moving to Africa for four almost 5 months. As if I was born for such a time as this, God has trusted and chosen me to be right here in this moment; and I can guess many other future God glorifying moments. We have choices in this life and we can choose to be apart of what God is doing in and through us even if it doesn't make sense right now. We have been set free, indeed, and can trust that his plan for us will one day be made evident because He is faithful.